American Cosmetic Cellular Medicine Association
Wendy Askew, MD
Dr. Wendy Askew is a functional and regenerative medicine physician in private practice in San Antonio, TX where she works with her amazing assistant, Angela Mascola. Dr. Askew has been practicing medicine for nearly 20 years and has recently shifted her focus to wellness and away from pharmaceutical options whenever possible. In addition to her expertise in hormone replacement therapy, regenerative medicine, and sexual health, she is an expert in cannabis medicine and is actively involved in education and advocacy about the truth regarding the marijuana plant.
Dr. Askew was blessed to go through menopause at the ripe old age of 40!! This allowed her to experience exactly what her patients were going through and to learn and personally experience how much healing could be achieved through natural hormone replacement and through the O-Shot®!
Dr. Askew has 2 beautiful daughters, loves animals, is a veteran of the USAF, is happily married and is a terrible cook. When she is not seeing patients she enjoys traveling, yoga, writing, educating patients and advocating for better treatment options for patients. She has contributed to articles in “O Magazine” as well as other online local and national publications; she is a gifted public speaker and is currently working on a book about regenerative medicine.
Training Details
Participants will learn the benefits of and indications for the O-Shot® and P-Shot® procedures; they will learn about patient selection, review the properties of PRP and how it works in the treatment of sexual dysfunction and to enhance sexual satisfaction for men and women; as well as its efficacy in treating atrophic vaginitis, lichen sclerosus and stress urinary incontinence for women, along with Peyronie’s disease in men.
To be reviewed:
Visit Dr. Askew's Website for More Information!
I highly recommend her courses.
Peace & Health,
Charles Runels, MD
Contact Information & Travel
Registrant Phone: 210-495-2117
Nearest Airport:
San Antonio International Airport (SAT)
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