Red Alinsod, MD
Dr. Red Alinsod graduated from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1986 and completed his OB/GYN residency from Loma Linda University Medical Center in 1990. His focus in those early years was pelvic surgery. He was the first Rutledge Fellow at MD Anderson Cancer and Tumor Institute and was also accepted as a Galloway Fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Center. Red was accepted to Yale’s Gynecologic Oncology fellowship but was unable to attend due to a military commitment with the US Air Force during this time of global strife in the Middle East. His career took a 180 degree turn as he headed the Gynecologic Services at George Air Force Base, CA, and Nellis Air Force Base, NV, as he concentrated on benign gynecology, urogynecology, and pelvic surgery. His colleagues affectionately called him a “Combat Gynecologist”. During his 12-year military career he was able to train extensively in hysteroscopic and advanced laparoscopic surgery. He accumulated a substantial number of cases and became one of the first fellows of the Accreditation Council of Gynecologic Endoscopy. He was the first surgeon to achieve this distinction in Nevada. He left the Air Force as a Major in 1994 and joined Facey Medical Group in Southern California. For ten years Red built a large and successful urogynecology, pelvic reconstructive surgery, and aesthetic vaginal surgery following. He was on the Board of Directors at Facey, Chaired Risk Management, and was a Pension Trustee. He was fortunate enough to train residents and urogynecology fellows from UCLA as well as a large cadre of physicians who flew in for his very successful hands-on preceptorships.
For more information, click here to learn about Thermi-O.
or Call 949-499-5311
Click Here to See His O-Shot® Workshops
Dr. Alinsod is instrumental in the developement of aesthetic vulvovaginal surgery. He founded “CAVS” (Congress for Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Surgery) in 2005 and is considered one of the pioneers of this evolving field. He is responsible for the current techniques in radiofrequency labiaplasty of the minora, the “Barbie” and Hybrid Look labiaplasty, invented the Medial Curvilinear Labia Majoraplasty, and the central and lateral clitoral hood reductions. He developed the combination Pudenal-Levator Block for In-Office Awake/No IV labiaplasty and vaginoplasty and has taught this technique worldwide. He was also the first surgeon to perform non-invasive labia majora RF skin tightening and RF vaginal canal tightening. He is currently the Medical Director for Women’s Health for Thermi Aesthetics developing specific devices and treatments for women who suffer from labial and vaginal laxity. Red is highly sought after in presenting talks locally and nationally and in teaching physicians the art and science of pelvic reconstructive surgery as well as aesthetic vulvovaginal surgery. His one-on-one surgical preceptorships have had profound effects in the practices of many gynecologists and urologists. Red’s focus continues to be on reconstructive and aesthetic vulvovvaginal surgery to improve patient lives. Red’s professional memberships include ACOG, ACS, ACGE, CMA, AUGS, IUGA, AAGL, ICS, and ASLMS. He welcomes your correspondence.

Travel & Tourism
Nearest Airports:
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
John Wayne Airport (SN
Hotel Recommendations:
Montage Laguna Beach Resort
Monarch Beach Resort
Blue Lantern Inn

Dr. Red Alinsod has been extremely successful both as a teacher and as a provider of the O-Shot® and Vampire® Procedures.
I strongly endorse his courses.
For more information, click here.
or Call 949-499-5311
Peace & health,

Charles Runels, MD

What is Thermi-O?
Thermi-O is the combination of revolutionary ThermiVa radiofrequency treatment with the O-Shot®. Dr. Red Alinsod, developer and inventor of ThermiVa has worked with Dr. Charles Runels, inventor of the O-Shot®/Vampire/Lift/Priapus Shot®, to develop an intensive day of advanced training for physicians, nurses, and PAs, only available at the Alinsod Institute for Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Surgery in Laguna Beach, California. This has been integrated into Dr. Alinsod’s decade old and establilshed training programs. The Alinsod Institute is proud to be the only center in the world to teach aesthetic vulvovaginal surgery, ThermiVa, and now the O-Shot® and Vampire Lifts.